Medical Coding Career
Learn Medical Coding Right Now
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$989 for the ICD-9 AND 10 Medical Coding Training A very comprehensive training package which includes medical terminology. You won’t find anything this complete at such a reasonable price. You must learn the ICD-9 coding before you can tackle the ICD-10 Coding Training, as ICD-10 is really just a new set of codes managed in a similar way to the ICD-9 but far more expanded (and complicated).
$349 for the STANDALONE ICD-10 for experienced coders only This module includes everything you will need to know to be prepared for the big shift in the two coding systems. Plan to become your provider’s expert in the new coding process.
OR….If you’d like to hear from us, perhaps to find out if you’re dealing with humans (smile), please complete the CONTACT form. If you want to learn Medical Billing too, visit www.Med-Certification.com